Category Archives: Uncategorized

Day 58: The New Hometown: Belonging and Longing For A Sense of Place In Real Time and Movie Time

28February 2011

The 58th Day of 2011

This morning The Stone Sage Lion was growling. It wasn’t really a roar, but I could see his teeth clearly.  His garment of snow had melted; he was soaking wet from a rainy night.  I tried to tell him (but does he ever listen?) February was almost over.  By midnight it would be March, and that next year, he would have to endure another full day of a difficult month.  “It’s Leap Year in 2012!”  I whispered to him through the glass door to the terrace.  I knew he wasn’t paying any attention.  Perhaps he was thinking of taking a long leap over the terrace and into the land of sunshine where he once lived with me.  Then again, he was probably only acting as the mirror to my thoughts.

… Once Upon A Time..

To be precise:  Once Upon Three Decades Ago And A Bit Continue reading


Filed under Community, Friendship, Hope, Inspiration, Life, Memories, Relationships, Seasons, Time, Uncategorized, Women

DAY 51: MOVING IN: Defining home and hearth in the 21st century

21 February 2011

The 51st day of 2011

This morning the Stone Sage Lion and the rest of the inhabitants of the terrace had changed costumes. Everyone was dressed up in garments made of light snow. It was a frosting of sugar snow, which made one of my favorite trees look like a cupcake with fluffy icing.  I asked Susan to take a picture of it when she arrived, before it all vanished. Continue reading


Filed under Community, Compassion, Friendship, Hope, Inspiration, Life, Love, Memories, Relationships, Seasons, Uncategorized, Writers